ApiAddress |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/addresses/customer/obsoletesave | SaveAddressesAsync |
Obsolete: This method creates/updates the addresses associated with customers. It will not create new Address Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Customer permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/addresses/employee/obsoletesave | SaveAddressesAsync |
Obsolete: This method creates/updates the addresses associated with employees. It will not create new Address Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Employee permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/addresses/customer/save | SaveCustomerAddressesAsync |
This method creates/updates the addresses associated with customers. It will not create new Address Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Customer permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/addresses/supplier/save | SaveSupplierAddressesAsync |
This method creates/updates the addresses associated with supplier. It will not create new Address Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Supplier permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
ApiAttachments |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/attachments/uplodAttachmentsForForms | UplodAttachmentsForFormsAsync |
Upload Attachments For Forms works for attaching the list of attachments to an item according to the form type. This Api will cover any form in the application which could have attachment. Requires the Edit permission of the form you are attempting to Edit, Role Site and Asset Type permissions are enforced when relevant Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/attachments/uplodBatchAttachmentsForForms | UplodBatchAttachmentsForFormsAsync |
Upload the batch of Attachments For Forms works for attaching the list of attachments to an item according to the form type for several items as a batch. This Api will cover any form in the application which could have attachment. Requires the Edit permission of the form you are attempting to Edit, Role Site and Asset Type permissions are enforced when relevant Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/attachments/download/{guid} | DownloadAttachmentAsync |
Use the API, GetAttachmentMetadataByAssociatedTag, to get a list of the attachments associated with an object. You can then loop through the results to download each attachment by using this API to get the attachment by GUID. You can use the file name from GetAttachmentMetadataByAssociatedTag to stream the results to a file. Please refer to the public api sample solution for an example of how this is done. |
POST public-api/attachments/getAttachmentmetadataByAssociatedTag | GetAttachmentMetadataByAssociatedTagAsync |
Get Attachments By Associated Tag given the associated tag of item and the form name and returns the attachments related to that item nested in the form. Requires the Allow permission of the form you are attempting to retrieve attachments for, Role Site and Asset Type permissions are enforced when relevant In response , HasSuccessWithMoreDataRemaining and BatchNumber are not required . |
POST public-api/attachments/getAttachmentsByAssociatedTag | GetAttachmentsByAssociatedTagAsync |
Obsolete, please use GetAttachmentMetadataByAssociatedTag - and StreamAttachment instead Get Attachments By Associated Tag given the associated tag of item and the form name and returns the attachments related to that item nested in the form. Requires the Allow permission of the form you are attempting to retrieve attachments for, Role Site and Asset Type permissions are enforced when relevant In response , HasSuccessWithMoreDataRemaining and BatchNumber are not required . |
POST public-api/attachments/getAttachmentsByAssociatedTagsList | GetAttachmentsByAssociatedTagListAsync |
Get Attachments By Associated Tag List given the associated tag of items per form by giving the form name and returns the attachments related to those items nested in the form. Requires the Allow permission of the form you are attempting to retrieve attachments for, Role Site and Asset Type permissions are enforced when relevant |
ApiCustomer |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/customers/createNew | CreateNewCustomersAsync |
This method creates new customers. It requires the Create Customer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will ignore the Customer numbers already in existence. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/customer/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
POST public-api/customers/updateExisting | UpdateExistingAsync |
This method updates the existing customers. Every customer will have a customer number. It requires the Edit Customer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will not work for customers with unknown customer numbers. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/customer/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
POST public-api/customers/save | SaveCustomersAsync |
This method allows saving the customer details. This requires both the Create and Update Customer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. In case the customer does not exist, a new record is created and on creation, it returns the CustomerId. In the case of updating the existing record, then only the columns specified in the request model's "ApplicableFields" field are updated. If this field is null/empty then "all" fields are assumed to be updateable. To create/update addresses please use the API public-api/addresses/customer/save. |
POST public-api/customers/savecustomermodels | SaveCustomerModelsAsync |
This method was created primarily to use with our LDAP sync tool. It takes a list of customers and will update and insert as necessary. Any customer not in the list, but active in the Cloud system will be deleted. It requires the Create, Update, and Delete Customer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/customers/delete | DeleteCustomerModelsAsync |
This method is used to delete customers. It takes a list of customer numbers to delete. It requires the Delete Customer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/customers/advancedinfosearch | CustomerAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of customers given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It is a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get em' all. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. This query does not return Phone or Address Models. It requires the Allow Customer permission. |
POST public-api/customers/GetCustomersByNumber | GetCustomerByNumberAsync |
This method returns a page full of customers given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It is a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get em' all. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. This query does not return Phone or Address Models. It requires the Allow Customer permission. |
ApiItemContainer |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/ic/container/expand-by-container-id-sdk | Container20ExpandParentContainerIdSdkAsync |
ApiItemOrder |
API | Method Name | Description |
PUT public-api/ic/order/SaveOrderExtraFields | SaveOrderExtraFieldsAsync |
ApiItemPickPackShipOrder |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/create | CreateAsync |
This method creates a new pick order. Requires a Create Pick Order permission. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/update | UpdateAsync |
This method edits an existing pick order. Requires an Edit Pick Order permission. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/advancedinfosearch | ItemInfoAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of active pick orders given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It's a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (about 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. Requires Allow Pick Order permission and enforces Role Site restrictions. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/getordersbynumber | GetOrdersByNumberAsync |
This method returns existing orders by number. Requires Allow Pick Order permission and enforces Role Site restrictions. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/deleteordersbynumber | DeleteOrdersByNumberAsync |
This method deletes existing Pick orders by number ONLY if they are in Draft status. Requires Delete Pick Order permission and enforces Role Site restrictions. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/updateorderstatusbynumber | UpdatePickOrderStatusByNumberAsync |
This method updates existing pick orders status by order numbers. Pick - Order Status and Reason Code Combinations are - "Draft-OK","Open-PoIssued","Closed-GeneralCancel","Closed-CustomerCancel". Requires Edit Pick Order permission and enforces Role Site restrictions. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/deleteordersbynumber_obsolete | DeletePurchaseOrdersByNumberAsync |
This method deletes existing purchase orders by number ONLY if they are in Draft status. Note: Obsolete. This method remains for backward compatibility. Use DeleteOrdersByNumber instead. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/FindOrdersWithMatchingOrderLineItemsSDK | FindOrdersWithMatchingOrderLineItemsSDKAsync |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/execute-container-auto-pick | ExecuteContainerAutoPickAsync |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/prepare-create-pick-order-request | PrepareCreatePickOrderRequestAsync |
POST public-api/ic/pickpackshiporder/pick | PickTransactionAsync |
This method is used to pick items on an order. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. The units being picked must match the units on the order. Requires Allow Remove permission and enforces Role Site permission. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
ApiItemPurchaseOrder |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/create | CreateAsync |
This method creates a new purchase order. It requires the Create Purchase Order permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/update | UpdateAsync |
This method edits an existing purchase order. It requires the Edit Purchase Order permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/advancedinfosearch | ItemInfoAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method is Obsolete (Use PurchaseOrderSearch instead). |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/purchaseordersearch | PurchaseOrderSearchAsync |
The method returns a page full of active purchase orders given a precise set of search, sort, or filter criteria. It's a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. It requires the Allow Purchase Order permission and enforces Role Site permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/getordersbynumber | GetOrdersByNumberAsync |
This method returns existing orders by number. It requires the Allow Purchase Order permission and enforces Role Site permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/deleteordersbynumber | DeletePurchaseOrdersByNumberAsync |
This method deletes existing purchase orders by number ONLY if they are in Draft status. It requires the Delete Purchase Order permission and enforces Role Site permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/updateorderstatusbynumber | UpdatePurchaseOrderStatusByNumberAsync |
This method updates existing purchase order status by order numbers. Purchase Order - Order Status and Reason Code Combinations are - "Draft-OK","Open-PoOpenIssued","Closed-ReceiverCancel","Closed-VendorCancel". It requires the Edit Purchase Order permission and enforces Role Site permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/receive-public | ReceiveTransactionAsync |
This method is used to receive items on an order. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. The units being received must match the units on the order. Requires Allow Receive permission and enforces Role Site permission. Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/GetOrdersModifiedAfter | GetOrdersModifiedAfterAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/SaveASNOrderLineTrackbyInfo | SaveASNOrderLineTrackbyInfoAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/UpdateASNOrderLineTrackbyInfo | UpdateASNOrderLineTrackbyInfoAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/FindOrdersByASNTrackbyValues | FindOrdersByASNTrackbyValuesAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/FindOrderByASNTrackbyContainerId | FindOrderByASNTrackbyContainerIdAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/AutoReceiveFromASNContainerIds | AutoReceiveFromASNContainerIdsAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/FindOrdersWithMatchingOrderLineItemsSDK | FindOrdersWithMatchingOrderLineItemsSDKAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/AutoReceiveFromASNTrackbyValues | AutoReceiveFromASNTrackbyValuesAsync |
POST public-api/ic/purchaseorder/GetASNOrderLineTrackbyInfo | GetASNOrderLineTrackbyInfoAsync |
ApiItems |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/ic/item/saveContainerItem | SaveContainerItemAsync |
This method is used to create a new It creates only inventory type items. Requires Create Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/createInventoryItems | CreateInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to create new inventory items. You can pass in a list of ItemInventoryInfo to create several new items at once. It creates only inventory type items. Requires Create Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/updateInventoryItems | UpdateInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to update existing inventory items. You can pass in a list of ItemInventoryInfo to update several existing items at once. It updates only inventory type items. Requires Edit Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/createNonInventoryItems | CreateNonInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to create new non inventory items. You can pass in a list of ItemNonInventoryInfo to create several new items at once. It creates only non-inventory type items. Requires Create Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/updateNonInventoryItems | UpdateNonInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to update existing non inventory items. You can pass in a list of ItemNonInventoryInfo to update several existing items at once. It updates only non-inventory type items. Requires Edit Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/createServiceItems | CreateServiceItemAsync |
This method is used to create new service items. You can pass in a list of ItemServiceInfo to create several new items at once. It creates only service type items. Requires Create Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/updateServiceItems | UpdateServiceItemAsync |
This method is used to update existing service items. You can pass in a list of ItemServiceInfo to update several existing items at once. It updates only service type items. Requires Edit Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getitemsbynumber | GetItemsByNumberAsync |
This method returns existing items by number. Requires Allow Item permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getitemlocationbynumber | GetItemLocationByNumberAsync |
This method returns existing item location by number. Requires Allow Item permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/item/infosearch | ItemInfoSearchAsync |
This method returns all active items whose item number, alternate item number or item description contains the specified texts that are entered on the combo box. Requires Allow Item permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/item/advancedinfosearch | ItemInfoAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of active items given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It's a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (about 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. Requires Allow Item permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getinventoryitem/{itemNumber} | GetInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to get an inventory item with an item number that matches the string parameter exactly. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getmultipleinventoryitem | GetMultipleInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to get up to 20 inventory items by item number, on providing the details about the item. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getnoninventoryitem/{itemNumber} | GetNonInventoryItemAsync |
This method is used to get a non inventory item with an item number that matches the string parameter exactly. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getserviceitem/{itemNumber} | GetServiceItemAsync |
This method is used to get a service item with an item number that matches the string parameter exactly. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getassemblyitem/{itemNumber} | GetAssemblyItemAsync |
This method is used to get an assembly item with an item number that matches the string parameter exactly. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/getkititem/{itemNumber} | GetKitItemAsync |
This method is used to get a kit item with an item number that matches the string parameter exactly. Requires Allow Item permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/inventorysearch | InventorySearchAsync |
This method is a simple inventory query similar to what is found on the Edit Item screen or on the mobile devices. Requires Allow Item permission and enforces role site permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/advancedinventorysearch | InventoryAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method is a robust inventory query similar to the main View Item non tree mode grid. This is a paging API. Requires Allow Item permission and enforces role site permission. |
POST public-api/ic/item/streamgridrequestcsvflat | StreamGridRequestCSVFlatAsync |
Request item inventory records as a stream of data in a CSV formated stream. If the FieldTitles parameter is null than all available fields are exported with default column titles. When you create Custom Fields on items you can call this function with the FieldTitles parameter = null as well to see how custom fields look in the output stream. Important! Without this parameter the order and names of fields may change from version to version. Therefore, to ensure consistent results from one version to the next, make sure you provide this value after you have determined the values you need. If the FieldTitles parameter is not provided the column names returned will be the database column names. This API does not support paging as it is intended to stream all of the data at once |
POST public-api/ic/item/streamgridrequestcsvunique | StreamGridRequestCSVUniqueAsync |
Request item records as a stream of data in a CSV formated stream. If the FieldTitles parameter is null than all available fields are exported with default column titles When you create Custom Fields on items you can call this function with the FieldTitles parameter = null as well to see how custom fields look in the output stream. Important! Without this parameter the order and names of fields may change from version to version. Therefore, to ensure consistent results from one version to the next, make sure you provide this value after you have determined the values you need. If the FieldTitles parameter is not provided the column names returned will be the database column names. This API does not support paging as it is intended to stream all of the data at once |
ApiLocations |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/locations/create | CreateAsync |
This method creates a new location. The existing location is retrieved by calling one of the searches. It requires the Create Location permission and access to the Site where the Location is being created. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. Response Information not display BatchNumber if it's null . |
POST public-api/locations/update | UpdateAsync |
This method updates an existing location. The existing location is retrieved by calling one of the searches. It requires the Edit Location permission and access to the Site where the Location is located. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/locations/search/exact | GetExactLocationApiAsync |
This method gets the location that exactly matches the search string in the specified site. It requires Allow Location permission and access to the site where the location is located. |
POST public-api/locations/advancedinfosearch | LocationModelInfoAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of active locations given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It is a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. It requires the Allow Location permission and enforces Role Site permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/locations/getlocationsbycode | GetLocationsByCodeAsync |
This method returns existing locations by name. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. It requires the Allow Location permission and access to the Site where the Location is located. |
POST public-api/locations/infosearch | LocationModelInfoSearchAsync |
This method returns all active locations whose location code or location description matches the location code that is passed in. The site name parameter is optional. It requires the Allow Location permission and access to the Site where the Location is located. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/locations/deletelocationsbycode | DeleteLocationByCodeAsync |
This method deletes existing locations by code. It requires the Delete Location permission and access to the Site where the Location is located. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
ApiManufacturers |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/manufacturers/createNew | CreateNewManufacturersAsync |
This method creates new Manufacturers. It requires the Create Manufacturer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will ignore the Manufacturer name already in existence. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/manufacturers/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
POST public-api/manufacturers/updateExisting | UpdateExistingAsync |
This method updates the existing manufacturers. Every manufacturer will have a manufacturer name. It requires the Edit Manufacturer permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will not work for manufacturers with unknown manufacturers names. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/manufacturers/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
ApiPhone |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/phones/customer/save | SaveCustomerPhonesAsync |
This method creates/updates the phones associated with customers. It will not create new Phone Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Customer permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/phones/supplier/save | SaveSupplierphonesAsync |
This method creates/updates the phones associated with supplier. It will not create new Phone Types, you will need to first create those in the web, but once you do they can be used here. Requires the Update Supplier permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
ApiSalesTaxCode |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/ic/salestaxcode/SaveSalesTaxCode | SaveSalesTaxCodeAsync |
Call this method to create or update a sales tax code. It requires “Item Create and Edit permission”. When a request model for a Sales Tax Code is given the function checks if the name already exists. If it already exists, then that record is updated and marked as active. If not, then a new record is created. TotalRecordsLongCount field is not used by this API. |
POST public-api/ic/salestaxcode/RetrieveSalesTaxCodesByNames | RetrieveSalesTaxCodesByNamesAsync |
This method retrieves the details of the sales tax code by name. When a request model for the Sales Tax Code is given the function checks if the name already exists. If it already exists, then that record is updated and marked as active. If not, then a new record is created.The function can accept a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/ic/salestaxcode/DeleteSalesTaxCodesByNames | DeleteSalesTaxCodesByNamesAsync |
Call this method to delete a sales tax code. It requires the Item Edit permission. Given a list of sales tax code names, will mark the given records as deleted. Note that if the record is already deleted, then a success result code will still be returned and the message will indicate that the previous operation is already successful. If the name does not exist, then it will be ignored. |
GET public-api/ic/salestaxcode/TaxCodeSearchGetAll | TaxCodeSearchGetAllAsync |
This method returns all the sales tax codes. |
POST public-api/ic/salestaxcode/TaxCodeSearch | TaxCodeSearchAsync |
This method returns all the sales tax codes matching the query/search criteria. |
ApiSites |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/sites/create | CreateAsync |
This method creates a new site. The existing site is retrieved by calling API function GetSitesByName() or one of the searches. It requires the Create Site permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/sites/update | UpdateAsync |
This method updates an existing site. The existing site is retrieved by calling API function GetSitesByName() or one of the searches. It requires the Edit Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. TotalRecordsLongCount fields as not used by this API. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. |
POST public-api/sites/search/exact | GetExactSiteApiAsync |
This method gets the site that exactly matches the search string. It requires the Allow Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. |
POST public-api/sites/search/exact/v2 | GetExactSiteApiv2Async |
This method gets the site that exactly matches the search string. It requires the Allow Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. |
POST public-api/sites/getsitesbyname | GetSitesByNameAsync |
This method returns existing sites by name. It requires the Allow Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/sites/infosearch | SiteModelInfoSearchAsync |
This method returns all active sites whose site name or site description contains the specified texts that are entered on the combo box. It only returns the site name and site description similar to the site drop down controls on the web. It requires the Allow Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. This method does not provide List of Messages on response information. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/sites/advancedinfosearch | SiteModelInfoAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of active sites given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It's a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) or records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. It requires the Allow Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/sites/deletesitesbyname | DeleteSitesByNameAsync |
This method deletes existing site by name. It requires the Delete Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/sites/deletesitesbynumber | DeleteSitesByNumberAsync |
This method deletes existing site by name. It requires the Delete Site permission and enforces Role Site restriction. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. This API is obsolete, supersceeded by deletesitesbyname. |
POST public-api/sites/AddCategoriesToSites | AddAllowedCategoriesToSitesAsync |
This method is used to add additional allowed categories to existing sites. If the category is already associated with the site the value will be ignored. It requires the Edit Site and Allow Category permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 sites to modify at a time. |
POST public-api/sites/RemoveCategoriesFromSites | RemoveAllowedCategoriesFromSitesAsync |
This method is used to remove allowed categories from existing sites. If the category is not associated with the site the value will be ignored. There must be no quantity associated with the category at the site for it to be removed. It requires the Edit Site and Allow Category permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 sites to modify at a time. |
ApiSystemInfo |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/systeminfo/servertype | ServerTypeAsync |
This method returns the type of application hosted at this URL. Returns a WaspResult with Data = MobileAsset or InventoryControl, else some error. |
ApiTransactions |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/transactions/grid-query/history-public-api | TransactionHistoryAsync |
returns transaction history by the filter. Suitable for public api |
POST public-api/transactions/grid-query/history-notes-public-api | TransactionHistoryNotesAsync |
Given a list of Unique Transaction History Identifiers, return attachment binary data and any user notes. Unique Transaction History Identifiers is the parameter TransactionUniqueIdentitifer from response of api call :public-api/transactions/grid-query/history-public-api |
POST public-api/transactions/grid-query/transaction-history | TransactionHistoryGridQueryAsync |
Deprecated. Please use grid-query/transaction-history-v2 This API is filterable, sortable, and page-able. It returns a list of the transaction history, very similar to what is returned in the Transaction History web interface. |
POST public-api/transactions/grid-query/transaction-history-v2 | TransactionHistoryGridQueryV2Async |
New transaction history api. This api returns a model that takes out the internal id fields, but works just like the previous one. You can use the gridRequest parameter to specify the page number, page size, filter, and sort criteria. Requires the Allow Asset Transaction permission, enforces Role Site and Asset Type security |
POST public-api/transactions/public-api/audit-count | PublicApiAuditCountAsync |
This API is used to perform an audit count transaction. Any discrepancies found will need to be resolved using the reconcile transaction Requires the Allow Audit permission, enforces Role Site and Asset Type security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/audit-count-v2 | PublicApiAuditCountV2Async |
This API is used to perform an audit count transaction. Any discrepancies found will need to be resolved using the reconcile transaction Requires the Allow Audit permission, enforces Role Site and Asset Type security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time Supports Containers |
POST public-api/transactions/public-api/reconcile | PublicApiReconcileAsync |
This API is used to perform a reconcile transaction. Any audits that resulted in discrepancies can be accepted or corrected using this transaction Requires the Allow Audit permission, enforces Role Site and Asset Type security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/reconcile-v2 | PublicApiReconcileV2Async |
This API is used to perform a reconcile transaction. Any audits that resulted in discrepancies can be accepted or corrected using this transaction Requires the Allow Audit permission, enforces Role Site and Asset Type security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time Supports Containers |
POST public-api/transactions/container20AddMultipleContainers | Container20AddMultipleContainersAsync |
POST public-api/transactions/item/add | AddTransactionAsync |
This api is used to add quantity to an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity added in this way is always added using the stocking units. Requires the Allow Add permission and enforces Role Site permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/item/remove | RemoveTransactionAsync |
This api is used to remove quantity of an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity removed in this way is always removed using the stocking units. Requires the Allow Remove permission and enforces Role Site permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. If error, Returns a list of error message with a zero based index of items that contain errors. |
POST public-api/transactions/item/adjust | AdjustTransactionAsync |
This api is used to adjust the quantity of an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity adjusted in this way is always adjusted using the stocking units. An adjust type and reason must be provided Requires the Allow Adjust permission and enforces Role Site permission Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
GET public-api/transactions/item/adjustCount/reasons | GetItemAdjustCountReasonsAsync |
The method returns all active adjust-Count reasons in the system. Requires the Allow Adjust Reason Code or Adjust permission |
GET public-api/transactions/item/adjustDown/reasons | GetItemAdjustDownReasonsAsync |
The method returns all active adjust-Down reasons in the system. Requires the Allow Adjust Reason Code or Adjust permission |
GET public-api/transactions/item/adjustUp/reasons | GetItemAdjustUpReasonsAsync |
The method returns all active adjust-Up reasons in the system. Requires the Allow Adjust Reason Code or Adjust permission |
POST public-api/transactions/item/move | MoveTransactionAsync |
This api is used to move quantity of an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity moved in this way is always moved using the stocking units. Requires the Allow Move permission, enforces Role Site Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/item/check-out | CheckOutTransactionAsync |
This api is used to check out quantity of an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity checked out in this way is always checked out using the stocking units. A Customer or Vendor must be specified and not both. Requires the Allow Check Out permission, enforces Role Site security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/item/check-in | CheckInTransactionAsync |
This api is used to check in quantity of an item. If an item has trackbys they must be entered. Quantity checked-in in this way is always checked in using the stocking units. A Customer or Vendor must be specified and not both. Requires the Allow Check In permission, enforces Role Site security Accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time |
POST public-api/transactions/item/move-container-or-inventory | MoveContainerOrInventoryAsync |
POST public-api/transactions/streamgridrequestcsv | StreamGridRequestCSVAsync |
Request transaction history records as a stream of data in a CSV formated stream. If the FieldTitles parameter is null than all available fields are exported with default column titles. Important! Without this parameter the order and names of fields may change from version to version. Therefore, to ensure consistent results from one version to the next, make sure you provide this value after you have determined the values you need. If the FieldTitles parameter is not provided the column names returned will be the database column names. This API does not support paging as it is intended to stream all of the data at once All of datatime field will not convert to local time,showing UTC(UniversalTime) with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ |
POST public-api/transactions/streamgridrequestarchivecsv | StreamGridRequestArchiveCSVAsync |
Request transaction history records as a stream of data in a CSV formated stream. If the FieldTitles parameter is null than all available fields are exported with default column titles. Important! Without this parameter the order and names of fields may change from version to version. Therefore, to ensure consistent results from one version to the next, make sure you provide this value after you have determined the values you need. If the FieldTitles parameter is not provided the column names returned will be the database column names. This API does not support paging as it is intended to stream all of the data at once All of datatime field will not convert to local time,showing UTC(UniversalTime) with format yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ssZ |
ApiVendor |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST public-api/vendors/createNew | CreateNewVendorsAsync |
This method creates new Vendor. It requires the Create Vendor permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will ignore the Vendor name already in existence. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/suppliers/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
POST public-api/vendors/updateExisting | UpdateExistingAsync |
This method updates the existing Vendors. Every Vendor will have a Vendor number. It requires the Edit Vendor permission. It accepts a maximum of 500 records at a time. This will not work for Vendor with unknown Vendor number. To create/update addresses (instead of ignoring them), please use the API public-api/addresses/suppliers/save. Use “Save” to perform operations including both inserts and updates. |
POST public-api/vendors/advancedinfosearch | VendorAdvancedSearchAsync |
This method returns a page full of active vendors given a precise set of search, sort or filter criteria. It's a paging API so this is meant to be called with a smaller number (ca 100) of records to fetch, repeatedly, until you get them all. It requires the Allow Vendor permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
POST public-api/vendors/getvendorbynumber | GetVendorByNumberAsync |
This method returns existing vendor by number. It requires the Allow Vendor permission. Note: This is a Post API to avoid limitations inherent to passing parameters on the URL. |
SystemInfo |
API | Method Name | Description |
POST systeminfo/servertype | ServerType |
This method returns the type of application hosted at this URL. Returns a WaspResult with Data = MobileAsset or InventoryControl, else some error. |